What I have to Say....

Thank you for stopping by. Sharing Times of My Life is a place to share my family and travel photographs. I will be sharing some of my own tutorials which eventually will include my tutorial on how to create your own home-made videos using your own photographs and videos and put it all together to dvd or cd. Anything Paintshop Pro such as tips and tricks and my PSP creations. Recipes I make and that the family actually likes.
Let's see, what else...
Some memorable moments and some that are not.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Making Big Heads in PSP

This is the original photo.

I wanted to make it funny so I took it to psp and made all their heads bigger.

I used the Sock Monkey Madness Scrapkit by Kate Hadfield. For each head this is what I did. I used the freehand selection tool set at point to point and feather of about 4 or 5. I traced the head with selection tool and then once I had what I wanted selected, I went to Edit--copy --Edit paste as new layer. Next deselect and then I resized it, Image--Resize. I can't quite recall how much percentage I used but I'm guessing about 115 pixel dimension and all layers unchecked. Once you have it to the desired size, sharpen it (Adjust - sharpness - sharpen)

Position it to your liking and continue with the same procedure for any other heads you want to enlarge.

1 comment:

Sonel said...

Awesome sweets! Love it!

The Urso's

The Urso's

Friend's-Family Corner


Don't hit the fish on the head