What I have to Say....

Thank you for stopping by. Sharing Times of My Life is a place to share my family and travel photographs. I will be sharing some of my own tutorials which eventually will include my tutorial on how to create your own home-made videos using your own photographs and videos and put it all together to dvd or cd. Anything Paintshop Pro such as tips and tricks and my PSP creations. Recipes I make and that the family actually likes.
Let's see, what else...
Some memorable moments and some that are not.

Friday, October 1, 2010

sept 14, 2010 Carlina met Justin Bieber

Carlina went to Justin Bieber concert at the MTS centre in Winnipeg Manitoba, sept 14 2010 with her friend Taylor Marshall.

This was the very first concert I didn't go with her.

Carlina was sitting on the 24th row and got picked to go up on stage where Justin sang to her 'one less lonely girl'

I wish I had been there to see that. I was able to get videos from the youtube with her and Justin.

She was on cloud 9 and I think still is.

some youtube videos with Justin singing to her.
to let you know he did not try to kiss her and she didn't try to kiss him. She was literally in shock and didn't even know how to react.
I just mention this because of all the stupid comments left behind.






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