What I have to Say....

Thank you for stopping by. Sharing Times of My Life is a place to share my family and travel photographs. I will be sharing some of my own tutorials which eventually will include my tutorial on how to create your own home-made videos using your own photographs and videos and put it all together to dvd or cd. Anything Paintshop Pro such as tips and tricks and my PSP creations. Recipes I make and that the family actually likes.
Let's see, what else...
Some memorable moments and some that are not.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Margarita Time

Andrea came over last month and we had a little afternoon Mexican Fiesta. The strawberry margaritas were so very good.

1/2 cup orange juice

3 to 4 tablespoons of frozen limeade

1/2 cup Mott's strawberry daiquiri mix

2 cups of crushed ice

2 ounces of tequila (if making a daiquiri, 2 ounces of rum)

1 ounce of triple sec

blend all in blender for a few seconds


1 comment:

Sonel said...

One Margarita, Two Margarita, Three Margarita...floor...LOL! Seems you had lots of fun making the Margarita's too Maria. Thanks for the recipe but I hate the smell of strawberry's...uugghh..always have..always will. Don't know why, but can't stand that smell. Crazy hey?

Anyways, love your blog as always!

The Urso's

The Urso's

Friend's-Family Corner


Don't hit the fish on the head